Many poverty countries are in dire need of clean drinking water. Haita, Laos, Nigeria and many other courntires have a lack of clean water and require immediate need of drinking water to prevent water borne diseases. Too many people in undeveloped countries are sick and dying because of contaminated water. Go Blue H2O has the technology to provide the much needed clean water for drinking.
USA & Canada
We are in the planning stage to setup wastewater remediation plants throughout the United States and Canada. We are targeting most major cities, oil field operations, mining operations and industrial companies.
International Market
Further plans also are being made to setup remediation plants in various locations throughout the world. There are several areas of the world that have contaminated water we plan to benefit.
Go Blue H2O has plans for humanitarian projects in areas of the world to provide drinking water to those in need. Our wastewater remediation technology can desalinate ocean water at large volumes using efficient energy and no chemicals.